
I have a professional development day today, which leaves me out of the classroom while my kiddos are there, causing trouble without me (lets be honest, they are probably less trouble when I am gone because I think I totally egg them on during the day πŸ˜‰ ). We have a really hard time getting substitutes, but I am so lucky that the ed tech I share with the other kindergarten teacher is willing and able (and well, forced) to step up and take on the day. It’s not right that she has to do that- it leaves the other teacher without help and it’s just not fair to make her take on that task (even though its a task she takes on daily, as she is not just my helper, she is absolutely just as much their teacher)- but she does it anyway.

I could go on and on about her and my partner teacher but I’ll save that for a sappier post.

I hate leaving my kids for the day. I stress, I get anxious, I wonder how they’re doing, I wonder if I forgot anything, and I desperately miss their hilarious interactions.

I am banking on a snow day tomorrow, but I can’t wait to see the kids again on Friday! I am like a celebrity to them- they always make me feel the greatest! Even if I leave for just a few minutes, when I come back I’m bombarded with hugs and I missed yous and the happiest faces. My days can be super long and stressful, but they make it all worth it.

10 thoughts on “Substitutes

  1. shellymkeller says:

    I understand your feelings about not being at school. I often wonder the same things. Hope it’s a good day of professional development for you! We have a snow day today in PA. Hope you get one tomorrow!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. mkrueger says:

    I get so stressed about substitutes, too!! I worry about my plans and how they’re doing. Luckily, I haven’t been sick this year yet, so I haven’t had one. But I do have a personal day coming up, so I will be anxious! I hope you get your snow day!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. khays41 says:

    I used to worry like crazy when I had a sub. Now I think of it as a vacation from me for the kids. It’s good for everyone to go on vacation every now and then.


  4. mbush17 says:

    LOVING the new blog layout! I always look forward to your post! This week alone I have 3 days worth of subs due to professional developments… I have been out 12 days this year for pds…its crazy! I feel like I can’t even take a personal day because my kids beg me to say. I feel so bad.


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